This Just Anime!
Join Nicholas Meeks and Cory Skold every week as they chat about all things anime and sometimes other related nonsense.
This Just Anime!
Episode 175: You Like Jass?
Nicholas Meeks and Cory Skold
Season 5
Episode 11
This week in our newly streamlined formula we're just talking about one thing, Blue Giant. It's an anime film about you guessed it, jazz, which came out a while ago but is finally available to stream this month. With the director of Mob Pschyo 100 at the helm and music by Hiromi Uehara, we were pretty excited to see this one. But did it live up to the hype? Sort of... it's complicated which is why we did a whole review for you to enjoy. We'll be back to more seasonal focused content soon, but for now let us know what you thought of Blue Giant.
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