This Just Anime!
Join Nicholas Meeks and Cory Skold every week as they chat about all things anime and sometimes other related nonsense.
190 episodes
Episode 188: Are We Still Doing This Thing?
Short answer is sort of. We're back, it's been a minute and that's kind of been a pattern, for good reason but we'll get to that. We mentioned a few episode ago that the scope and scale of the podcast was likely to change and if you've been a l...
Season 5
Episode 24

Episode 187: Ramen Mind Palace
We're back! It's been a minute, but you all know how it goes. Fortunately for us this little delay has line us right up with the new season, that's right it's Spring 2025 over here at TJA and we've got a whole slew of new shows to talk about. T...
Season 5
Episode 23

Episode 186: Don't Drop That DanDaDan
We had lofty goals of talking about all things Arcane this week, but reality had other plans. As such we're talking about our favorite show this season, and maybe anime of the year, DanDaDan. We're 8 episodes in at the time of recording and it ...
Season 5
Episode 22

Episode 185: It's the Looney Toons Babies of DragonBall
We're finally at the end of our first impressions for the fall season, and we managed to do it before the season was half over so that's not nothing. We've got a couple of returning titles and one or two new ones in this episode before finally ...
Season 5
Episode 21

Episode 184: Isekai Dairy Industry
We're back and we've got another 12 or so new titles to talk about for first impressions this week. This episode is pretty heavy on the fantasy titles for the fall season, but once again there's a little bit of everything this week as well as a...
Season 5
Episode 20

Episode 183: Don't Say Magical Girls Three Times
Fall is here and along with cooler temperatures we've got a solid crop of new first impressions to get to. We've got twelve new titles to cover this week ,and a lot of them were pretty damn good actually with one in particular really impressing...
Season 5
Episode 19

Episode 182: It's Tagged As Magical Sex Shift
We're back once again proving that inconsistency is key. We've wrapped up the Summer season and naturally we have thoughts, but only a few because we've got the Fall season breathing down our necks. There are a good few titles that peak our int...
Season 5
Episode 18

Episode 181: But What About Them Returning Series Though?
The end of the Summer season is rapidly approaching so we figured we should do a little ranking to see where things stand. Rather than categorizing every show we're just hitting a top five new and top three returning series plus a couple ...
Season 5
Episode 17

Episode 180: BAD VAMP DADS
Just when you thought everything had dropped this season here we are with two more first impressions. Both titles receiving a fair bit of hype in their own right, this week we're talking Delico's Nursery and Kimi No ...
Season 5
Episode 16

Episode 179: You're Telling Me a Cat Made This Ramen
I know it's a late episode this week and the title doesn't fit the meme format but it's the best we got this week. Here's another round of first impressions as we start moving towards the middle of the season. Due to a weird release schedule we...
Season 5
Episode 15

Episode 178: Rough as in Good? Or Not Good?
We're doing this thing, another episode right here and guess what? It's more first impressions! This week Nick decided to try and watch all the shows that looked halfway decent, and Cory picked all the titles that seemed like terrible fanservic...
Season 5
Episode 14

Episode 177: So... They're Not Dead
Hey everyone, we're still doing this thing! If you stuck around we probably owe you an explanation, but essentially life took a larger focus and Cory was fortunate enough to get married recently which is also pretty cool. We're still planning o...
Season 5
Episode 13

Episode 176: Everybody's Shirtless Now
This week we're testing our new short format and talking about two things that do prominently feature shirtless people. First up is Nick's favorite, a new season of Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba is out and the hashira training arc is w...
Season 5
Episode 12

Episode 175: You Like Jass?
This week in our newly streamlined formula we're just talking about one thing, Blue Giant. It's an anime film about you guessed it, jazz, which came out a while ago but is finally available to stream this month. With the dire...
Season 5
Episode 11

Episode 174: Is This the End of the Powercast?!
Maybe, It's hard to say. With life changing in somewhat significant ways as well as a series of other things we've decided to reexamine our format a little bit and change things up. We'll be going into more detail in a future episode, but we wa...
Season 5
Episode 10

Episode 173: Is That Really an Omegaverse Anime?
It is, and it's called Tadiama, Okaeri. Spring continues to drop a whole bunch of new shows and we're doing our level best to try and see all of them. This episode is another batch of first impressions for Spring 2024. The season...
Season 5
Episode 9

Episode 172: GMILFS GDILFS and Goblin Flavored Isekai Jam
Spring is officially here and in addition to seasonal allergies we also get new seasonal anime releases! Much like allergies, some of these titles may bring tears to your eyes, but whether they're from laughter, boredom, or sadness remain to be...
Season 5
Episode 8

Episode 171: Winter 2024 AwardsCast! Now 20% Slimmer
Winter has come to an end and with is we've got another awardscast to get to. That being said this one is a little trimmed down compared to awardscasts in the past. Due to a combination of life things mostly we decided to trim down the categori...
Season 5
Episode 7

Episode 170: The 2023 Year End Awards! Miyazaki Better Make Room Next To That Oscar
Maybe a little later than we planned, but between a couple of shows that had to wrap up their season late, a few delays, and our own personal live we managed to put out our definitive 2023 Awardscast. This is for the whole year, so all four sea...
Season 5
Episode 6

Episode 169: Wait What The Hell Just Happened?
This title could be a reference to a lot of things in this episode? Why did we abruptly not record for almost a month? What was the plot of Maboroshi, Mari Okada's new film on Netflix about? What did we think of the latest risky l...
Season 5
Episode 5

Episode 168: PowerCast Winter 2024! It's Art We Swear
As stated previously this season is mostly horny nonsense. Ok Maybe not mostly, but certainly more than average, along that there are actually quite a few solid titles out now and we've conveniently ranked them all according to our preference f...
Season 5
Episode 4

Episode 167: It's a Reverse Reverse Isekai Doctor!
We've finally gotten to the last of first impressions for this winter season and there are a few gems left to cover as well as maybe some other titles that didn't sparkle quite as much for us. This episode has 2 new villainess titles along with...
Season 5
Episode 3

Episode 166: Mostly Horny Nonsense
This week is all more first impressions! It's a new season and that means we're busy watching everything that comes out and boy let us tell you, there are some wild shows this season. Winter 2024 is coming in thirsty and it might be just what y...
Season 5
Episode 2

Episode 165: Do You Think Tony The Tiger Likes Magical Girls?
But for real though we want to know. This is the first episode of a new season, Winter 2024 is here and you know that means it's time for first impressions. We've already started digging in to the new season this week and have found it to be pr...
Season 5
Episode 1

Episode 164: AwardsCast Fall 2023! How Are We Gonna Pick a Winner?
For Real though this season was stacked especially at the top and we had a tough time even just narrowing down nominees. If you've never listened to one of our awards shows before, We start with the top 5 new and returning shows before moving i...
Season 4
Episode 38