This Just Anime!
Join Nicholas Meeks and Cory Skold every week as they chat about all things anime and sometimes other related nonsense.
This Just Anime!
Episode 173: Is That Really an Omegaverse Anime?
Nicholas Meeks and Cory Skold
Season 5
Episode 9
It is, and it's called Tadiama, Okaeri. Spring continues to drop a whole bunch of new shows and we're doing our level best to try and see all of them. This episode is another batch of first impressions for Spring 2024. The season continues to deliver a pretty mixed bag of titles, but we each found at least one show we're pretty hyped for in this episode as well as plenty of other shows that left us scratching our heads like the previously mentioned Tadaima, Okaeri. If you're looking for a place to start this season then as always we've got you covered, no matter what you're looking for I guess.
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