This Just Anime!
Join Nicholas Meeks and Cory Skold every week as they chat about all things anime and sometimes other related nonsense.
This Just Anime!
Episode 171: Winter 2024 AwardsCast! Now 20% Slimmer
Nicholas Meeks and Cory Skold
Season 5
Episode 7
Winter has come to an end and with is we've got another awardscast to get to. That being said this one is a little trimmed down compared to awardscasts in the past. Due to a combination of life things mostly we decided to trim down the categories for this particular season, but don't worry we still crown a BGBFG for the season. Honestly Winter 2024 was a pretty solid season for a variety of genres so if you're looking to see how your favorites stack up, or maybe which shows to go back to and finish that you dropped mid season, we've got you covered.
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