This Just Anime!
Join Nicholas Meeks and Cory Skold every week as they chat about all things anime and sometimes other related nonsense.
This Just Anime!
Episode 167: It's a Reverse Reverse Isekai Doctor!
Nicholas Meeks and Cory Skold
Season 5
Episode 3
We've finally gotten to the last of first impressions for this winter season and there are a few gems left to cover as well as maybe some other titles that didn't sparkle quite as much for us. This episode has 2 new villainess titles along with several fantasy shows of varying quality, and also Bucchigiri?! which deserves its own strange shoutout. This season overall fells promising with plenty of middle of the pack titles and now we've touched on all of them so use the information we've given you wisely, and formulate your watchlist accordingly.
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