This Just Anime!
This Just Anime!
Episode 164: AwardsCast Fall 2023! How Are We Gonna Pick a Winner?
For Real though this season was stacked especially at the top and we had a tough time even just narrowing down nominees. If you've never listened to one of our awards shows before, We start with the top 5 new and returning shows before moving into the more recognizable categories and ending on some of the ones we made up ourselves. There's been something for everyone this season and we're here to celebrate it, so let us know what your favorites were. Also on a less fun note, we've linked to some Japan earthquake relief funds on this episode, if you didn't see a New Year's earthquake hit Ishikawa and did some pretty serious damage so we're spreading awareness how we can and if you're in a place to offer some support here's one way to do so.
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